OOPS! Sorry for the technological foul-up last post which was NOTHING THERE! My fault.
In THE JURY IS STILL OUT, I reflected on the past summer and early fall as I experienced life in a whirlwind, but wondering what lies ahead? The question I asked myself in that blog was "How will I respond? With love, grace, authenticity and courage?"
One thing about God.
He will answer. IN HIS WAY.
This morning as I arose to tackle the piles mounting on my desk, I put on worship music, and pondered on Romans 6:13. "Do not yield your members to sin as instruments of wickedness, but yield yourselves to God as men who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments of righteousness." (Revised Standard Version)
Not even thinking about my own questions buried in the day's agenda, God grabbed me with this verse. Suddenly I forgot about the tyranny of the urgent as I felt the presence of God descend upon me.
Sitting in His grip, He had my attention now. So, HE ASKED ME HIS QUESTIONS!
What would happen if you prayed with compassion for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama?
What would happen if you prayed for every kid that showed up at your door, Halloween and all?
What would happen if you ditched negativity and began to see with God's eyes every human being in your daily life with a touch, a smile, or a nod?
What would happen if you upped your tips to those who serve you?
What would happen if you rejoiced over your dear husband, his strengths, his weaknesses every day of your life?
What would happen if you danced with joy over your child as I, the King of Kings, grow him up?
What would happen if you did as I, the Lord Jesus Christ, suggested that you do on N.E. 162nd street -- that is, take a lawn chair, set it up in the parking lot of every apartment complex (42 to be exact) and just be. Pray. Think.
Watch. Smile, And SEE.
What would happen if you invited someone you didn't know into your home who is homeless to sleep on your couch?
What would happen if someone pulled a gun on you?
What would happen if you were stalked by a pimp because you were housing one of his prostitutes? Would you pray for him too?
What would happen if you sold your house, and slept with the homeless on the cold, rainy streets?
What would happen if you danced with Me, Your God in the rain?
What would happen if you shouted out with the glee of being My child whether on the streets or inside the church?
What would happen if you sold out for My Son, Who died for you, Jesus?
The rumble of an almighty God stirring His child. I am stirred. Shaken and sobered.
Stay tuned and walk with me through this next season. As of this morning, I am in a new Stead, allowing His standards to work on this broken vessel as the Holy Spirit works. Remember, I asked how I would respond -- in love, grace, authenticity, and courage?
And He answered. With His questions.
Had to read it several times. Asking what does God want me to do? What is it, God is asking of me?