Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Welcome to my blog OVER THE COFFEE!  In a sea of blogs replete with opine, define, refine, and oh fine, I confess to feeling left behind in a world of texts and tweets.

For the record, I learned to type in my dad's small midwestern newspaper office on a LINOTYPE.  So if you are trying to follow my technology trail, THERE IS NONE.  Granted I have inched forward since my first powerful text, "how u doing".

Suffice to say that when I felt the urge to get back to my writer's roots, I could no longer type on my old Royal typewriter.  So my New Year's resolution for 2013 is to gain some headway into the world of technology, and how to find my niche in it. With the help of my two tech-savy kids who give me technical assistance with GREAT grace, I decided on a blog.

OVER THE COFFEE is the title my dad used for his weekly editor's column over fifty years ago.  I am still struck that, with a Starbuck's on every corner, there is still that innate personal desire for caffeine and connection. You may smell the coffee thanks to the wonderful blog design by Tony Jenkin, but the connection?  Well, that is up to me. Come explore with me the little adventures, big and small, in our ordinary lives during extraordinary times. And hopefully, you will keep coming back.  So, tune in.

Coffee's on!



  1. So lightly delightful. Welcome to the weird and wacky world of web wonders. Well done my friend. Loved it and loving you.

  2. I get a kick out of your first line: "opine, define, refine, and oh fine"! The tone of resignation is familiar.
    I didn't know until now--and I am reading all your blogs in reverse order--that this was your dad's column title. That makes it so meaningful and dear! And to think that having a cup of coffee and a chat has been iconic in America for so long!
